Saturday, July 06, 2024

Campus Buzz

Webinar on 'Drugs and Illegal Trafficking' at Khalsa College Nursing

AMRIK SINGH | July 03, 2024 07:41 PM

AMRITSAR: An online Webinar on 'Drugs and Illegal Trafficking' was organized a webinar on the topic 'First National e-Mind Mapping Competition and e-Symposium' in connection with the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking-2024. Baba Farid University of Health Science, Vice Chancellor Dr Rajeev Sood was the chief guest while the event was presided over by Khalsa College Governing Council Honorary Secretary Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina.

Principal Dr. Amanpreet Kaur while welcoming the guests shed light on the topic and said that this day is dedicated to creating awareness about the harmful effects of drug abuse on individuals, families and communities. RMS Chhina congratulated the Principal and teaching staff for the event and added that International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is observed by the United Nations to fight against such crimes.

He said drug proliferation is posing challenges for health, safety and social stability globally and is a serious threat to well-being of families and individuals. He said that mental health disorders due to drug abuse, HIV, infectious diseases such as hepatitis are increasing due to this and it is leading to an increase of crime, violence and corruption.

VC Dr. Sood said he salutes the hardworking health workers for making valuable contributions to solve the issues related to drug prevention, awareness, research innovation, psychological care, rehabilitation and problem solving. He said that drug abuse and alcoholism is a psycho-social-medical problem that requires a holistic approach from prevention and early detection to effective intervention, rehabilitation and social integration. He said that drug addiction is a matter of serious concern for a country like India.

On this occasion, Associate Professor from National Institute of Nursing Education (PGIMER) Chandigarh Dr. Sunita Sharma and NHSRC Health Consultant and Lifestyle Coach, ACTG Former Principal and College of Nursing, AIIMS Associate Professor from New Delhi. Sandhya Gupta shared that the families of drug addicts always feel emotional and financial stress, due to which they suffer from increased crime rate and deteriorating social cohesion. Dr. Amanpreet Kaur organized secretary M.S. Kavaljit Kaur and co-organizing secretary Avneet Kaur were also appreciated for their special support in the webinar and Sudha presented the vote of thanks.

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