Tuesday, July 02, 2024


Dr.Inderjit Kaur urges villages to elect Panchayats unanimously

Jagmohan Singh | June 29, 2024 09:36 PM

Appeals to Shun Political Divide in Panchayats to Save Punjab
AMRITSAR: Responding to "Lok-Ekta Mission" (NGO) to save Punjab, Dr. Inderjit Kaur, Chairperson Bhagat Puran Singh Pingalwara foundation, appealed Gram Sabhas to "unanimously" elect "neutral" panchayats.

Describing the initiative as "need of the hour, " to restore fraternity, moral values, justice, health and self-reliance in rural life.

These virtues stood destroyed due to "political divide and hatred, " resulting into unnecessary fights and litigation, murders, drug addiction etc, those have taken deep roots in village life.

It is high time to obey the Guru's Word, "Pavanu Guru Pani Pita Mata Dharti Mahatu, " (Air is Guru, Water is Father and Earth is Mother) to save Punjab, which stood on the verge of doom to turn into desert, and has also become land of deadly diseases like cancer. We need to folow the words of Bhagat Puran Singh Ji, who inspired us to "save enviornment to sustain health and life."

She said that, vigil to maintain the respect of Guru Granth Sahib, crop diversification to save underground water, and poison-free organic farming, to check adulterated eatables, strict check on deadly intoxicant drugs was necessary for healhy rural life.

Therefore, it was prerequisite to elect "impartial, fair, dedicated and responsible local governments i.e. Panchayats unanimously.

Dr. Inderjit Kaur and Dr. Manjit Singh Randhawa in a joint statement appealed to inhabitants of Punjab to take the lead in electing Panchayats through concensus.

They maintained that women constitute 50% and young men 25% i.e. three-forth of the electorate. Hence they can easily defeat the politics of "divide and rule" if they so decide to save races, crops and Punjab, those have reached the verge of doom.

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