PHAGWARA: Sub Divisional Magistrate Phagwara Jashanjit Singh has instructed the management of Golden Sandhar Sugar Mills Phagwara to clear the pending payments of the last November, December and January to the sugarcane growers by February 29 positively.
SDM summoned a meeting at his office here today which was attended by Mill General Manager V.P. Verma, Project Officer Cane Paramjit Singh, Munish Malhotra S.O.(GST), Deputy Controller Accounts & Finance.
SDM also instructed Mill Management to pay the payment of the farmers of cane crushing in 14 days after purchasing sugarcane.
SDM Jashanjit Singh also instructed the officers including Dy Controller to make a routine to check about the purchase of sugarcane crushing and production of sugar regularly.
He also asked the Mill Management to immediately sought out any dispute about payment with private companies.