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Punjab Government invites online applications from teachers for National Teacher Award

Punjab News Express | June 08, 2021 04:19 PM

CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Government has invited the online applications from teachers for the National Teacher Award-2021.

Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the Education Department said that teachers have been asked to register themselves on  http://nationalawardstoteachers.mhrd.gov.in till 20-6-2021. All school principals/ incharge and regular teachers can apply for this award.

According to the spokesperson, a district selection committee will be constituted in each district to evaluate the candidates for this award. The district selection committee will shortlist the names of the three candidates and send them to the state Selection Committee by July 15 , 2021.   The Secretary, Punjab School Education Department will be the Chairperson of the state selection committee. Apart from him, the committee will also includes a representative of the central government, director education (member secretary), director SCERT (member) and state MIS in charge (technical assistant).

The state selection committee will send the names of the six candidates to the National jury by July 30, 2021. These nominated candidates will present their work / achievements before the jury. The teacher who gets higher marks will be selected for the National award. This time MHRD has  not allotted quota to any state for the National Award.

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