Thursday, September 12, 2024


Panthic conference called for formation of Akali Jatha at village level taking guidance from history to re-establish Akali Dal through resolution

AMRIK SINGH | August 19, 2024 08:22 PM

SGPC elections should be contest with the joint cooperation of all honest parties and personalities.
BABA BAKALA: Despite the heat and excitement on the occasion of Sacha Gur Ladho Ray's Annual Jod Mela here today, Bhai Amritpal Singh Khalsa invited a large number of devotees during the Panthak Conference. Panthak conference was led by Bapu Tarsem Singh Bhai Sarabjit Singh Maloa MP Faridkot Bhai Sukhwinder Singh Agwan Bhai Chamkaur as Bhai Amritpal Singh's team was active in the elections because Baba Bakala Sahib falls in Sri Khadur Sahib constituency.

Singh Dhun Bhai Jujhar Singh Sath Organization Jaskaran Singh Kahan Singh Wala, Bhai Daljit Singh, and other prominent personalities expressed their views. The most important thing is that the leaders of the so-called old cult remained absent from this conference because they were not invited by the team Amritpal Singh. Although Bhai Manjit Singh Bhura Kohnan was present on behalf of the rebel faction of the Akalis, he was not given an opportunity to speak. On this occasion, Bhai Amritpal Singh Khalsa, member of the Lok Sabha and heir to the head of Punjab, delivered a message in the name of the Sikh community from Dibrugarh Jail. Seven resolutions were passed during the massive gathering.

In the first resolution, the pains of the entire panth were given to the two great organizations of the panth, the Shiromani Akali Dal and the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, the hands of the Akali leaders of the Indian rulers, who are deviating from the sect's goal and destroying the Sikh traditions and Sikh principles.

A new outline was drawn for liberation from occupation. The resolution said that this gathering decides that special efforts will be made to awaken and unify the scattered sectarian forces. The two great organizations of the sect, the Shiromani Akali Dal and the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, have for long been under the control of the Akali leaders who are the hands of the Indian rulers, and are deviating from their sectarian goals and are on the path of destroying Sikh traditions and Sikh principles. The Badal family and their flattering Jundali, who are in control of these organizations, have betrayed the Sikh community under their 'political desire' in the past. The Shiromani Committee and the Shiromani Akali Dal came into existence through the sacrifices and martyrdoms of the Sikhs and the Sikhs have always maintained the status and dignity of these institutions by paying the price of their blood. These institutions are the joint trust of the panth instead of a family or faction.

In this context, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee elections should be fought with the joint cooperation of all sincere panth parties and personalities. When the rulings have marked our existence and identity, then it is our duty to forget all religious and political differences and start joint efforts for the advancement of the sect and through joint efforts to form the electorate of Shiromani Committee and joint Gursikhs for the elections. The work of marking the candidates should be started without delay.

Therefore, this gathering today makes a suggestion to the Khalsa Panth that just as our ancient Akali warriors organized the scattered strength of the nation in the form of Akali Jathas and freed the Gurdhams from the Mahants, we too should be freed from our factionalism. By rising up and organizing the scattered strength of the nation in the form of Akali Jathas at the village level, efforts should be started to liberate our Gurdhams and institutions including Sri Akal Takht. These Akali Jathas will be our strength for the principled re-creation of the Shiromani Akali Dal apart from the forthcoming Shiromani Committee elections. History is a witness that these Akali Jathas created the Akali Dal and the Shiromani Committee. These Akali Jathas will prove to be the means of uniting the scattered nation into one chain. Today's gathering appeals from the bottom of the heart to every personality and every sect party that is painful for the panth to contribute to this process of formation of Akali Jathas and the government fulfills its statutory responsibility to conduct the Shiromani Committee elections soon.

MP Bhai Amritpal Singh Khalsa said in his message that all the Singhs in the prison thousands of miles away from Punjab are doing well. He said that by oppressing us, the government must have thought that maybe in this way we will accept the submission of the government, but this phenomenon has made us stronger. The government left no stone unturned in repressing the members who fought against the torture of the Sikh youth by the government at the time of our formation. Our national goal is clear which the entire nation repeats after daily prayers as the resolution of 'Raj Karke Khalsa'.

Even in the difficult times of the 18th century, the voice of Khalsa Raj kept echoing in the jungles. By giving thousands of martyrdoms during the struggle started under the leadership of Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Khalsa Bhindranwala in the twentieth century, we have been repeating this promise made to the Guru. For Sikhs, the concept of Khalsa Raj is the path of life with their Guru. The Khalsa Raj is the pinnacle of the practical application of the Shabad Guru. I believe that by forgetting this word of life with Guru, we will fall victim to difficult paths in every field of life. The mainstream Akali politics is a clear example of this. The government, the system that is not ready to release our heroes even after their sentences have been completed, justice cannot be expected in any way. Nor can it be expected that she will serve the Sikhs on a plate and give them their due. This government and system wants to erase our existence from the map of the world.

The riots of June 1984 and November 1984 and the genocide being carried out by making drugs a weapon are clear examples of this. We have to struggle to save our national existence. The art of climbing in all circumstances and trusting in the Guru will take us to our destination. If cultic passion and Sikh morals are our capital, Guru will always be with us. With the Guru's blessings, the Khalsa will conquer every field. Guru Sahib has made a promise to his Sikhs that as long as the Khalsa retains its unique identity, then Guru Sahib will continue to use his gift of power to the Khalsa. I call Fatih, promising to share ideas with you from time to time in the future.

The panthak gathering through the second resolution said that today's gathering in the light of Sikh doctrine and Sikh history makes it clear that the Jathedars of the thrones are not the leaders of the Sikh Panth, but they are the expressions of the feelings of the Sikh Panth. If the Jathedars of the Takhts are Sikhs. If they fail to express the true sentiments of the Panth, it will be considered a dereliction of their duty. Scholars should completely refrain from being part of tricks, conspiracies and gimmicks to revive Akali Dal Badal. We appeal to our Singh Sahibs that Badal Dal, which has changed from panthak party to Punjabi party, should not be part of Shiromani Committee and Sri Akal Takht Sahib. Looking at the background of being used for their personal motives for a long time, they should be careful that they do not become a victim of the malicious intent of the Akali leaders this time.

Today's gathering, keeping in view the betrayal and crimes committed by the Badal family and the group of Akali leaders who were in power with them, from the Nirankari case to the case of Sauda Sadh, Singh requests the leaders that the partisan Jathedars in the past Due to Gurbachan Singh's anti-cult decision of pardoning Sauda Sadh under the pressure of political leaders, he should be summoned to the Akal Takht Sahib so that in the future no one would dare to commit such a betrayal with the cult in the intoxication of power. . Today's gathering requests the Singh Sahibans that any decision regarding the desecration of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by the group of Akali leaders who seized power during the Badal Dal government and the sectarian role played during the Behbal Kalan shooting incident should be taken in Sri Akal Takht instead of closed rooms. It should be taken in front of the Sahib in the Sangat court.

3rd Resolution - Release of Bandi Singhs: For the last several decades, Bandi Singhs have completed their legal sentences, but they are not being released. Even on the occasion of the 550-year-old centenary, this promise was made to the Sikhs by the cruel governments, but they reneged on it. In this issue, we are not asking for mercy from the government but for human rights. We give a strong warning to the government that if Bandi Singh is released immediately, otherwise a big struggle will be started against the cruel government on this issue.

4th Resolution- Resolution on issues of blasphemy: Sahib Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji is being grossly insulted which is extremely painful for every Sikh. Even in the cases of blasphemy like Bargari and Behbal Kalan, in the name of justice, the previous governments and the current government are making a joke. The largest agency of the Indian government, CBI, presented the closing report of the Bargari blasphemy case in the court and made the Sikhs clearly feel the slavery of the issues of government blasphemy.

The biggest tragedy for the Sikhs happened when the direct involvement of the Sirsa Wale Sadh in the blasphemy cases came to light, the SGPC in its legal response filed a counter claim to hand over the case to the CBI again. . It is clear from the transfer of blasphemy cases by the Indian courts outside the land of Punjab that the agencies of the government themselves committed these blasphemies under vote politics. So this gathering demands that the cases of blasphemy which have been transferred out of Punjab should be immediately brought back to Punjab and the Sadh who is among them should be made the main culprit.

Fifth Resolution - Resolution to stop drugs: This gathering feels that all the political parties in control of the state power of Punjab, including Mauju's party and the alliance of officers, under the conspiracy of the agencies, have taken the name of the so-called culture to alienate the youth of Punjab from religion. And degenerate Pune and pushed towards drugs. Political parties run along with the drug money collected from drugs, which is clearly evidenced in the sealed envelope affidavit filed by a then DGP in the Punjab and Haryana High Court that senior officers It was said to be the drug land of Punjab and this closed envelope has not been opened even today under the pressure of the nexus of big drug traffickers and political leaders. Apart from this, even after the clear involvement of a then fugitive SSP Rajjit Singh in the case of drug trafficking, he has not been arrested till date, which is a clear slap on the face of the present Punjab government. The drug phenomenon is being given free rein by the governments to use it as a weapon of genocide against the Sikhs.

On the other hand, youths like Bhai Amritpal Singh, who were smuggling drugs to youths through Khalsa Wheer and returning them to Anandpur after Kalgidhar Patshahji's Khande Bate, were imprisoned thousands of miles away from Punjab by NSA. done From this, the government's conspiracy to end the youth of Punjab with drugs became clear. So this gathering pledges to work together day and night at ground level for the Khalsa Waheer and its activities started by Bhai Amritpal Singh for the eradication of drugs.

Sixth resolution - Today's sect gathering pledges its solidarity with the farmers' struggle and gives its support to the struggle of all farmers' organizations. Criticizing the government's policy of not implementing the farmers' demands accepted by the government during the Kisan Morcha, they demand immediate removal of the restrictions imposed by the government on going to Delhi on the Shambhu and Khanuri border and to fulfill the demand.

Seventh resolution - In this meeting today, we feel no hesitation in saying that since the partition of the country, the attitude of the rulers of this country towards the Sikhs has always been dictatorial and hostile. The view of every national party in the country towards the Sikhs is communal. It is the same. Even from the court system of this country, the Sikhs are not getting any justice. The case of Sikh prisoners has completely exposed the face of the court system of this country. There is no justice in the courts for the Sikhs who have been sentenced to twice the punishments given by law, but on the other hand, the accused related to the ruling party are being released after five years in the case of life imprisonment. Murderers like Sumedh Saini without going to jail. Bail is granted and rapists and murderers like Sauda Saad are making a mockery of the law by coming up on parole after three months. Similarly, Bhai Amritpal Singh, who became a Member of Parliament after securing lakhs of votes, is not being granted bail or parole to attend the Lok Sabha session. The central government and the Bhagwant government of Punjab, adopting an authoritarian and unconstitutional method, killed Bhai Amritpal Singh and his colleagues.

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