JALALABAD: Fazilka Deputy Commissioner Dr. Senu Duggal on Tuesday visited the government school of Dandi Kadeem village in Jalalabad block and joined students over mid-deal meal, to connect with students on a personal level.
"I got this delightful opportunity today to interact with students and to know about their aspirations, needs and their suggestions to further improve in school infrastructure, " Dr. Duggal said after the visit.
Interacting with students and teachers after visiting the school kitchen, the DC asked the students about the quality of food and their choice and preference of menu. "The innocent responses are giveaways for further improvement, Dr. Duggal said adding that she had gathered certain workable inputs to further enhance the quality of school teaching during the visit.
Reiterating government commitment to ensure nutritious food to each student, the DC also issued directions to school authorities to ensure students get best quality food at the right time each day.