CHANDIGARH: Taking the CM Bhagwant Mann's mission to make farming a profitable venture, the Department of Horticulture is making a significant contribution to crop diversification in Punjab. Chetan Singh Jouramajra, Horticulture, Defence Services Welfare, Freedom Fighters, Information and Public Relations Minister, Punjab launched the 'Kisan-e-Bagbani' app during a review meeting with officials of Horticulture Department at Punjab Bhawan, Chandigarh.
Stressing on the department's aim Jouramajra said he will strive to make horticulture crops internationally competitive by bringing the latest horticultural techniques to farmers' fields, with which farmers will not only be able to get information about the schemes of the department, but can also apply and track their application online.
Giving details of the newly launched app Jouramajra informed that the main purpose of this app is to disseminate the knowledge, the schemes of the department to the farmers quickly, to bring transparency in the department by applying online to get financial assistance under the schemes and tracking the application. He further said that through this app, farmers will be given information about the daily rates of fruits, vegetables and weather in different markets.
While reviewing the progress of different districts, Jouramajra instructed the officials to provide technical information about horticulture schemes by visiting as many farmers' fields as possible and through camps etc so that they can earn more income than conventional crops.
Principal Secretary, Horticulture Shri Sumer Singh Gurjar, IAS said that various measures will be taken to promote agricultural diversification and it will be assured that farmers do not face any kind of difficulties. The development of this app was helped by AGNEXT Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Mohali as a startup, Punjab.
Shailender Kaur, IFS Director Horticulture, Taranjit Singh Bhamra, CEO, AGNEXT Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mohali and their technical team members Dr. Subrata Kumar, Sonali Bhika, Ranjit Singh, Raj Barino, and Sahil Fateh Singh Sandhu were also present during this launch.