CHANDIGARH: While AAP is now touching 80 seats in the initial leads, Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi is running behind in both the seats of Chamkaur Sahib and Bhadaur. Former Chief Ministers Parkash Singh Badal from Lambi and Capt Amarinder Singh from Patiala city are also trailing behind. Sukhbir Singh Badal is also trailing.
Bhagwant Mann AAP candidate of CM is leading in Dhuri and his party is leading in about 80 seats. The Congress aprty is leading on 23 seats and SAD is leading in 10 seats. BJP and alliance parties are leading in seven seats. Balbir Singh Rajewal CM candidate of Samyukt Samaj Morcha is trailing at 13 place among all candidates in Samrala.
In Amritsar East Dr.Jiwanjot Kaur is leading from Nvjot Singh Sidhu and Bikram Singh Majithia. Nvjot Sidhu is at third place. Partap Singh Bajwa is leading from Quadian and his brother Fateh Jung Singh Bajwa is trailing behind all candidates in Batala.