Friday, March 14, 2025


Amrut Mahotsav kicks off with commemoration of World Social Work Day and International Day of happiness 2021

Yadavindra S Rana | March 14, 2021 09:03 AM

CHANDIGARH: Celebration of Amrut Mahotsave has been kicked off at Chandigarh under the aegis of
SLSA, Chandigarh and TCRP-India here on Saturday at Judicial Academy, Chandigarh.  APSWDP is
commemorating group of events during the entire month of March including virtual mode.

During the physical events,  MrMahavir Singh, Member Secretary, SLSA, Chandigarh; Mr Vikas Verma,
Regional Head, SDGCC, UNDP, Mr Ashok Kumar Mann, CJM-cum-Chief Judicial Magisrate,
DLSA, Chandigarh, Mr Vivek Trivedi, Founder, APSWDP and Shri Hitesh Kumar Gulati, Director
General, APSWDP, Chandigarh were present during the inauguration of this event.
Besides, State Legal Services Authority (SLSA), Chandigarh in collaboration with
Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (APSWDP) Chandigarh in
partnership with the Department of Social Work, CBLU, Haryana and TCRP-India has conceived
commemoration of World Social Work Day (WSWD) 2021 and International Day of Happiness
(IDH) 2021 here on Saturday. The commemoration followed by various training workshop for diverse
stakeholders on Community Driven Development through convergence under the ambit of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  Amrut Mahotsav is series of events to be organized by the government to commemorate its
75 th  anniversary of India’s independence. The 75 th  anniversary celebrations will continue till
15 th  August, 2023.
APSWDP has pioneered in commemorating WSWD for the 6 th  consecutive year and
introducing its first commemoration of IDH in North region. The main aim is to promote the values
of Theory to Practice and Volunteerism to Professionalism.
  WSWD is celebrated on 3 rd  Tuesday of March every year and has become a focal point in
the social work calendar with social workers all over the world celebrating and promoting the
contributions of the profession towards individuals, families, communities, and wider society. This
year, World Social Day highlights Ubuntu: I am Because We Are. This is the first theme of the 2020
to 2030 Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development. Ubuntu – Strengthening Social
solidarity and Global Connectedness.
The key objectives of these events are to strengthen cooperation and partnership with diverse
organizations and stakeholders, to spread knowledge about social work, its values, principles and
methods in practice and theory among organizations and departments, to highlight social work
actions, policies and achievements in the pursuit of common goals and finally to disseminate the
knowledge about SDGs, community workers and social work organizations, institutions, etc.
The event consisted of Felicitation of Guests & Conferring Social and Community Workers Awards
2021. Fifteen Social Workers were conferred the award for outstanding contribution for Community
Effort during the COVID-19 Pandemic.  APSWDP, Chandigarh also released its strategic plan, annual
calendar & reports for the year 2021-2022.

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