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Rural children of Chandigarh have better anti-bodies than children of rich households-Sero Survey

Yadavindra S Rana | July 07, 2021 05:47 PM

CHANDIGARH:It may sound unbelievable but a cero survey conducted by the PGI has revealed as
how those wallowing in poverty and ignorance have beaten their blessed brethren in urban sectors
to better anti-bodies against COVID-19 honours.
A sero survey conducted by PGI Hospital Chandigarh on children in the age group between 6-18
years has showed that out of 756 samples, 519 kids which means almost 69 per cent, had been
previously infected with withthe COVID -19 infection and but also developed antibodies themselves.
According to the findings of the survey, more than 73 per cent of children in Chandigarh’s
rural areas (Dhanas, Maloya and Kajheri) have tested positive for anti-bodies against CARONA.
Besides this, antibodies were also found in 65 per cent children of rich households of Chandigarh.
The survey is funded by the Chandigarh Administration. The PGI is carrying out the Covid-19
sero survey in children. The survey, which was kick started on June 24, is progressing at a good pace,
PGI Director, Prof Jagat Ram said and added that the survey among the paediatric population is of
utmost importance since there was news that third wave could affect children severely.
Dr Mini P Singh, head department of Virology, PGI, said that the testing was being carried out
using a high throughput CLIA machine available in the Department of Virology so that reports could
be made available in a short span of time.
Mrs PVM Lakshmi, In Charge of field survey, who is coordinating the field activity of the
survey, said that sero survey teams have been divided into four groups, each consisting of a field
investigator and a laboratory technician, who undertook household visits in different sectors,
villages, and slums.
Out of all children enrolled till July 4, 396 samples were collected with the consent of parents
from households of Sectors 22, 24, 36, 56 and 11, which showed positivity in 65 per cent of samples
(257 positive out of 396) and 360 samples were collected from households of Burail, Maloya,
Dhanas, Attawa and Khajeri villages, which showed positivity of 73 per cent (262 out of 360).
These are the interim results and the study aims to collect around 2, 700 samples in total which will
provide a clearer picture of the actual percentage of children who had been infected during first and
second waves in Chandigarh.
Prof Jagat Rama said that approximately 70 per cent children have already infected with
CARONA means that they have CARONA but could not know about it. He was also of the opinion that
we should not worry about the third wave of CARONA as they have not only ready but also facilities
in abundance.

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