Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Campus Buzz

GNDU Architecture Department won the overall championship Jashan 2022

AMRIK SINGH | April 09, 2022 08:09 PM

AMRITSAR: The Architecture Department won the Inter-Departmental Cultural Festival Jashan - 2022 of Guru Nanak Dev University. This festival was concluded here today in the Dasmesh Auditroiuum of the University with the beat of punjabi folk dance gidha. A large number of Student-artists of the various Departments of the University participated in this four-day event.

The Electronics Department stood second and University School of Financial Studies (USFS) Department remained third in these competitions.

Sandeep Rishi, IAS Commissioner Municipal Corporation Amritsar was the chief guest of prize distribution function. Prof. Anish Dua, Dean Students Welfare welcomed the chief guest and other. Sandeep Rishi, IAS Commissioner Municipal Corporation Amritsar, Prof. S.S. Behl, Dean Academic Affairs, Prof. K.S. Kahlon, Registrar and Prof. Anish Dua, Dean Students Welfare awrded the trophies to the winners. On this occasion. Col. Amarbir Singh Chahal, members of the University Cultral Committee, students of various departments, faculty members & officials were present.

Rishi said that such festivals are a very important part of our academic system and play an important role in promoting our rich cultural heritage. He said that these festivals also explore the concept of brotherhood, national integration, communal harmony and courage amongst the students.

Animesh Salhotra from USFS was adjudged Mr. Jashan and Miss Gurleen Kaur from Computer Engg. & Technology Department & Miss Nikita from Architecture Department were jointly declared Miss Jashan in these competitions. Overall category wise results are: Fine Arts - 1st Architecture Deparment, 2nd Electronics and 3rd USFS; Literary – 1st Zoology, 2nd Microbiology & School of Punjabi Studies (jointly) and 3rd CSDA & USFS (Jointly); Music – 1st Architecture Department, 2nd Electronics Department and 3rd Laws Department; Theatre – 1st Chemistry Department, 2nd USFS and 3rd Architecture Department & Computer Engg. & Tech. Department (Jointly) and in Dance - 1st Architecture, 2nd UBS and 3rd Computer Engg. and Technology.

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