NEW DELHI: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann continued his campaign trail in Delhi on Friday, leading three roadshows in Kondli, Rohtas Nagar, and Gokalpur, and addressing two powerful Jansabhas in Badarpur. The campaign exuded AAP's commitment to clean governance, development, and accountability, with CM Mann directly addressing voters' concerns and exposing the political tactics of rival parties.
Speaking at Kondli, CM Mann condemned the Election Commission (EC) for ignoring blatant violations by BJP while unfairly targeting AAP. "BJP leaders are shamelessly distributing money, jackets, shoes, and sarees, yet the EC raids my residence Kapoorthala House in Delhi. They found nothing because we don’t distribute money; we distribute love. And with this love, we win, ” declared Mann.
Highlighting AAP's clean politics, Mann contrasted AAP's pro-people policies with BJP’s exploitative strategies: “There are two sides—those who promote education and development, and those who thrive on hatred and division. Delhi must choose education over enmity, progress over propaganda.”
At Rohtas Nagar, Mann emphasized AAP’s track record of development and integrity under Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal. “People across Delhi are saying, ‘Phir layeinge Kejriwal’ because he’s your brother, your son, and has always worked for you. When the BJP tries to buy your vote, take their money but press the button of 'jharoo'!"
Addressing public in Gokalpur, Mann expressed gratitude for the overwhelming public support. “Our election symbol is the broom, and you know it does the work of cleaning dirt and muck. BJP can only exploit your taxes for their friends, while AAP reinvests every penny back into public welfare, ” he said.
At Badarpur, Mann, along with many AAP leaders, observed the moment of silence for the devotees who tragically lost their lives in the Maha Kumbh crowd crush.
He praised Delhi's diverse and educated population, calling for unity over divisive politics: “Delhi is the heart of India, where the entire nation resides under one roof. BJP’s caste and communal politics won’t work here.”
Mann also underscored AAP’s governance model, highlighting achievements in Punjab inspired by Delhi’s successes. “Punjab now has 850 operational Mohalla Clinics and free electricity to 90% of households. We haven’t incurred losses; we’ve turned state enterprises profitable while providing free power to farmers and residents. This is the power of clean intentions, ” he said.
Mann lambasted BJP's tactics, accusing them of manipulating voters with money and things while escaping scrutiny. “They openly announce giveaways on social media, yet EC turns a blind eye. Instead, they raided my house on a baseless complaint.”
Mann concluded by urging Delhiites to continue their legacy of choosing AAP. “On February 5, press the broom button and end your responsibility; our responsibility to deliver begins immediately. Delhi deserves leaders who fight for their rights. Trust AAP to deliver a better future for you and your children, ” he said.