Monday, March 03, 2025


Punjab workers can avail Rs. 2k to Rs. 70k under stipend scheme for their children's education: Sond

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | March 02, 2025 04:32 PM

CHANDIGARH: The Punjab government has taken important steps for the welfare of workers in the state. Labour Minister Tarunpreet Singh Sond said that under the stipend scheme of the Punjab Labour Welfare Board, benefits ranging from Rs. 2, 000 to Rs. 70, 000 can be availed for the education of laborers’ children. Along with this, the condition of two years of service of the worker to avail the stipend scheme has been abolished.

It is worth mentioning that the Punjab Labour Welfare Board stipend scheme is given for the education of the children of workers. Earlier, mandated two-year service condition for workers to qualify for the stipend scheme has been officially abolished after the initiative of Labour Minister Tarunpreet Singh Sond.

Labour Minister Tarunpreet Singh Sond stated that workers will now be able to avail the stipend benefit from the date of their contribution to the fund, rather than having to wait for two years of service. He said that the stipend scheme has an important contribution in the education of the children of the workers of Punjab. He said that the benefit of the stipend scheme can be obtained from the first class to higher education.

Under the Punjab Labour Welfare Board stipend scheme, girl students from the first to the fifth class are given Rs. 3000 and boys are given Rs. 2000 per year. Similarly, from 6th to 8th class, girls are given Rs. 5000 and boys are given Rs. 7000 per year. For boys of class 9th and 10th can avail Rs. 13, 000 and girls Rs. 10, 000 as stipend. Girl students of 10+1 and 10+2 are given a stipend of Rs. 20, 000 and boys are given Rs. 25, 000 as stipend per year.

For college students (graduation, post-graduation, ITI, polytechnic, ANM, GNM and other professional courses), girls are given a stipend of Rs. 25, 000 (if student resides in hostel then Rs. 40, 000) and boys are given a stipend of Rs. 30, 000 (if student resides in hostel then Rs. 45, 000) per year.

Similarly, for medical, engineering and other professional courses, a stipend of Rs. 40, 000 is given to girls (if student resides in hostel then Rs. 60, 000) and Rs. 50, 000 to boys (if student resides in hostel then Rs. 70, 000) per year.

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