CHANDIGARH: Power employees on Friday across the nation demanded scrapping and withdrawing the decision for privatization of electricity in Uttar Pradesh and Chandigarh. Electricity employees across the country have warned that if any unilateral action is taken to privatize electricity in UP, then without giving any further notice, they will be forced to start a movement, the full responsibility of which will be of the government.
The protest meetings were held in Punjab , Telangana, Tamilnadu, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan and other states, informed V K Gupta.
Powercom engineers and employees held a protest rally at head office Patiala in support of the struggle of UT Chandigarh power men against the privatisation process of Chandigarh electricity department and Uttar Pradesh. Padamjit Singh Chief Patron AIPEF and Devinder Goyal finance secretary PSEBEA were amongst those who addressed the gathering.Padamjit said that the failed model is again being implemented in name of reforms.
In Lucknow Vidyut Karmchari Sanyukt Sangharsh Samiti strongly condemned the false allegation levelled by the Energy Minister against the electricity employees of allowing electricity theft. They said that on one hand the Energy Minister never tires of saying that during his tenure, revolutionary changes have taken place in the electricity sector of the state, on the other hand he is saying that the electricity system has gone off track and the electricity employees are allowing theft, therefore it has become necessary to privatize electricity.
Shailendra Dubey Chairman AIPEF and convener joint forum said that the privatization of electricity at any cost will not be tolerated and will continue our protest in a democratic manner until the decision of privatization is withdrawn. Today even Bhartiya Majdoor Sangharsh (BMS) openly came in our support in UP. BMS leaders declared their full support against Privatization in UP.
In Chandigarh the electricity employees have decided to boycott the works from the start of January, said Gopal Joshi general secretary.
In Assam the engineers met the state power minister to apprise him of developments in UP and Chandigarh.