Thursday, September 19, 2024


Deferment of meeting with FM irks Punjab Vets

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | September 18, 2024 09:28 PM

MOHALI: The Joint Action Committee (JAC) of Vets for pay parity, has strongly condemned the postponement of meeting with the Punjab Finance Minister to discuss the demand of restoration of Pay parity of Vets with medicos, which was scheduled to be held on 17th September.

The convener of JAC Dr Gurcharan Singh and Co conveners Dr Puneet Malhotra, Dr Abdul Majid, Dr Gurdeep Singh and Dr Harmandeep Singh, strongly flaying the Punjab government for delaying the restoration of the pay parity of Veterinary Officers with their counterparts in health department, alleged that the government was deliberately using delaying tactics which reflected the non-seriousness on the part of government to resolve the issue, in public interest.

They said till now they were attending cases of livestock at the respective hospitals and Polyclinics and even the dharna held at Livestock Complex Mohali was intentionally held on 1st September, a Sunday, so that farmers didn't face any problem to get their animals treated. They added that if the government continued to use such delaying tactics, the JAC will be constrained to take harsh decisions to intensify the agitation in coming days.

Dr Gurinder Singh Walia, Media incharge JAC, alleged that successive Animal Husbandry Ministers had been assuring time and again that the injustice meted out to them by previous FM would be undone by restoring their pay parity with medicos but to no avail . He averred that the Chief Minister Sh Bhagwant Singh Mann was a grassroot level leader, who was not only honest but a visionary, who knew the role, livestock sector could play in uplifting rural economy.He urged the CM to redress the genuine grievances of Vets.

It's pertinent to mention here that the JAC has now received invitation for meeting with Ministers Sub-committee on 27th September to thrash the issue.

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