NEW DELHI: BJP MP from Kangra-Chamba, Dr. Rajiv Bhardwaj, addressed the Lok Sabha during zero hour on Monday, appealing to the Union Health Ministry to establish modern super specialty trauma centers in his constituency. Dr. Bhardwaj highlighted the urgent need for these facilities, citing the frequent accidents occurring on the roads in the Kangra-Chamba constituency , which is divided into two districts.
"Currently, accident victims in the Kangra-Chamba region often need to be transported to Punjab for medical treatment. The long distances involved result in many losing their lives en route, " Dr. Bhardwaj stated. He emphasized that establishing two modern super specialty trauma centers in the Nurpur area of Kangra and Bathari of the Chamba area could significantly reduce mortality rates by providing immediate and specialized care.
Dr. Bhardwaj's appeal underscores the critical need for enhanced medical infrastructure to address the region's public health challenges and save precious lives.