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5 Ways to Improve Your Spine Health

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | August 14, 2024 11:52 AM

Improve your spine health by exercising regularly, managing a healthy weight, practising safe lifting techniques, and ensuring good sleep habits. These proactive steps help maintain a healthy spine, enhance your posture, and reduce the risk of back pain. 

The spine is one of the most important parts of the human body since it plays a significant role in supporting the body and giving it flexibility. It enables you to move, twist, and bend your body and, at the same time, shields the spinal cord, which is crucial in relaying signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Spine disorders can cause long-term pain, limited movement, and poor quality of life. In this blog, we will be discussing five practical ways that can help you enhance your spine health and prevent any related issues. 

Practical Ways to Improve Spine Health

Here are the five ways to enhance your spine health and keep your back strong and pain-free:

1.    Maintain Proper Posture

Proper body posture is crucial to prevent spine deviation and minimise pressure on the back muscles and ligaments. Sitting or standing in the wrong posture, for instance, slouched or hunched over, can cause spinal problems, muscle tension, and pain. 

Tips for Proper Posture

  • Make sure your back is in contact with the back of the chair, your feet rest on the floor, and avoid crossing your legs.
  • Choose a chair that supports the lumbar region of your spine to avoid straining your lower back.
  • While standing, ensure that your weight is spread evenly on both feet, the shoulders are pulled back, and the knees are slightly bent.
  • Ensure that you use furniture that encourages good posture, such as chairs with back support and desks that can be raised or lowered. 

For personalised spine care, consult Dr Saurabh Rawall, one of the best spine surgeons in Delhi. 

2.    Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is important in building up the muscles that surround the spine, increasing flexibility and general health. Exercise also helps in the circulation of blood to the spine area, which is very important in supplying nutrients to the discs and tissues of the spine. 

Recommended Exercises

  • Core Strengthening: Perform exercises that target the core muscles including the plank, bridge, and abdominal crunches. A strong core is also beneficial to the spine, as it offers more support.
  • Flexibility Training: Make sure to include stretching exercises and yoga in your daily workouts to enhance flexibility and minimise muscle stiffness.
  • Low-impact Aerobics: Exercises such as walking, swimming, and cycling are easy on the spine and at the same time help in improving the cardiovascular system and general body fitness. 

3.    Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity and being overweight, particularly in the abdominal area, can cause more pressure on the spine and lead to herniated discs and lower back pains. Obesity puts pressure on the spine and increases the chances of developing spinal issues; thus, being fit helps prevent such complications. 

Strategies for Weight Management

  • Balanced Diet: Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and whole grain products. Reduce the intake of foods high in sugar and fats.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercise to ensure that you are able to burn calories and keep your weight in check.
  • Hydration: Take enough water in your body to avoid dehydration and for the body's overall well-being. 

4.    Practice Safe Lifting Techniques

Attempting to lift heavy objects is one of the leading causes of spine injuries due to poor handling. Proper lifting techniques are important in avoiding stress and injury to the back and spine muscles. 

Safe Lifting Tips

  • When lifting an object, one should bend their knees and ensure that their back is straight. Do not use your back to lift; rather, use your leg muscles.
  • To minimise the stress that is placed on your back, ensure that you hold the object close to your body.
  • It is also important not to twist your body while lifting. Instead, pivot with your feet to turn. 

5.    Ensure Good Sleep Habits

Proper sleep is crucial for spine health because it provides the body with an opportunity to heal itself. Lack of proper sleeping position and the use of an improper mattress can cause back pains and other spinal complications. 

Tips for Better Sleep

  • Choose a mattress that will offer you the right support for your spine. It is suggested that one should use a medium-firm mattress.
  • It is recommended to sleep on your back or side but not on your stomach, as it puts pressure on the spine. Pillows should be used to support the neck and keep the spine in the correct position.
  • Go to bed at the same time every night and establish a calming pre-sleep routine to enhance the quality of your sleep. 

It is important to keep the spine in good health to avoid long-term pain and spinal ailments. To improve spine health, one should practise good posture, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, lift objects properly, and have proper sleep. The above strategies not only help to minimise the chances of developing spinal issues but also improve your lifestyle. For comprehensive spine care and expert advice, book an appointment through Apollo with Dr Saurabh Rawall, one of the best spine surgeons in Delhi.

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