MUMBAI: Veteran actress Rekha will be lending her vocal prowess for a promo for the controversial reality show "Bigg Boss 15".Rekha said: "Bigg Boss is a very 'naayab' show, that has all drama, action, fun and thrill and what's more, you get a crash course of life itself. And if one is patient and resilient, one will evolve to be one's best self! What could be better poetic justice than that."
The timeless diva will be doing a special voiceover for a tree in the promos of the show, hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan on television.
She added: "It is going to be an exciting new experience, as I am doing a voice over for a 'speaking tree' whom Salman has fondly named 'Vishwasuntree', a vibrant tree full of wisdom, hope and faith! It is always gratifying to work with Salman and I feel blessed to share these unique moments with him... He is as always a pure pleasure!"
The new season of Bigg Boss is going to be filled with twists and a lot of "Sankat in jungle" as the contestants will have to endure many challenges before they make their way inside the house.
In one of the promos for the Colors show, Salman is seen wandering around in the woods when he hears a sound coming from a tree that he names 'Vishwasuntree' and starts having a conversation with it.