MUMBAI: 'Doli Armaano Ki' actress Neha Marda has announced her pregnancy by sharing an adorable picture with her husband Ayushman Agarwal. In the picture she can be seen wearing a red dress and showing her baby bump while her husband opted for a black suit with white shirt.
Neha wrote in the caption sharing the happiness with her fans and friends and expressing her gratitude to the Almighty: "Shri Shivaya Namastubhyam..Finally God has arrived in me..Baby coming soon"
Post her comment many of her fans and friends congratulated her. Actor Vibhav Roy mentioned: "Congratulations"
'Ishqbaaaz' actress Shrenu Parikh wrote: "Sooooo happy for u guys"
Rashami Desai, Ashi Singh, Jayati Bhatia and others also congratulated them.
Neha got married to Patna-based businessman Ayushman in 2012.
The actress is known for her roles in 'Balika Vadhu', 'Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti', 'Doli Armaano Ki', among others.