MUMBAI: Actor Govind Pandey, who has joined the cast of ‘Kavya-Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon’, has opened up about his character, and called it an exhilarating journey for himself.
‘Kavya - Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon’ has already generated a niche for itself in the heart of viewers. The story brings alive the journey of Kavya (Sumbul Touqeer Khan) -- an IAS Officer -- whose purpose is to serve the nation and do right by the common man.
Joining the cast of this compelling narrative is the enigmatic figure -- Giriraj Pradhan, who is Adiraj Pradhan’s (Mishkat Varma) father.
Portrayed by Govind, ‘Giriraj’ is a remarkable sarpanch who ascended the political ladder, carving his path with an acutely shrewd and calculated approach.
An embodiment of authority and self-made success, he possesses an indomitable spirit. He finds himself at a crossroads with Kavya when she challenges him at the railway station, and he threateningly promises never to forget her.
Sharing his excitement about the same, Govind said: “Stepping into the world of ‘Kavya - Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon’ is an exhilarating journey for me. Giriraj is a strong headed alpha male who cannot allow himself to be outsmart by a woman and his confrontation with Kavya is one of the many that she will face soon.”
“Playing this arrogant, yet successful character really excites me, and I can’t wait for the next chapter to unfold on the show, ” he added.
Known for his works in ‘PK’, ‘Hindi Medium’ etc, Govind is known for his exceptional talent and ability to portray a wide range of characters on screen.
His dedication to his craft and his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his roles have made him a respected figure in the television industry.