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Identification, the place of birth related to Baba Banda Singh Bahadur

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | October 18, 2021 11:50 AM

By Dr. Jasbir Singh Sarna
Baba Banda Singh Bahadur was a renowned Sikh warrior, who fought against the cruelty and injustice of the Mughals and was the first Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh, who succeeded in hoisting Khalsa Flag on the land of Punjab.Some of the Persian writers had some doubts about the exact birth place of Banda Singh.

The contradiction about birth place was first emerged from the writer of "Ibratnama". Some writers claim Mandher (Poonch), Reasi, Gurdaspur, Kalanohr etc. but most reliable and authentic sources revealed, Rajouri as the birth place. Rajouri was declared as district in 1968 and shares its boarder with Jammu, Poonch and Reasi. In the annals of history, Rajouri got several names like Rajpuri, Rajwari, Rajwada etc.

A Chinese traveller considered Rajouri a part of Kashmir. Time to time, Rajouri was ruled by many rulers During Mughal empire, people of hilly and remote areas were being helped and assisted by Banda Singh and Dhrue Dev(Raja of Jammu), who had good and historic relations with the Banda Singh. Banda Singh and Dhrue Dev had a close nexus because both were strongly bent upon to remove Mughal Officers from the Principality of Jammu. There is a strong evidence of "Raj Darshani" a Persian Source and Bhat Vahis that during the reign of Rajput Raja Gaje Singh, Guru Gobind Singh ji, after attending Rawalsar fare, visited Jammu on 1692 CE on the invitation of Raja Gaje Singh. Guru ji, probably stayed near the mubarak mundi, being Chief guest of Raja. Guru ji after returning back to Punjab, honoured Raja Gaje Singh with a Turban and his younger brother Jaswant Singh with a small lance. Afterwards during attacking rivals in the battle field, Raja Dhrue Dev issued to take blessings in the form of supplication from the lance of Guru Gobind Singh. This was the basic symbiotic ties between the two warriors and both were deeply interested. in evacuating Mughals from the Jammu territory.

Though the birth place of Banda Singh is already searched out and researchers claim the birth place Rajouri and the place located is "Dandawali Bawali" near Dasal hill, Gurdhan payen and the same is preserved in the Judicial records of Fatehpur Patwar halka. Banda Singh's father name was Ram Madhu Saran and mother's Ram Devi. Parents named him as Lachman Dev. He was born on 16th October 1670 near Dadan wali Bawali at Rajouri. It is said Banda Singh was very witty strong and brave from Childhood. His birth near Dadan wali Bawali was also confirmed by urdu Source "Dugger Desh". To locate his birth place, Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Youth Organisation (Regd) Rajouri did tireless efforts and hardwork. Elders from Muslim, Hindu and Sikh communities had recorded their records in court that their elders used to say that Dadan Wali Bowall was the birth place of Banda Singh Bahadur. Banda Singh had one sister Shoba Devi and brother Sehdev, who was issue less. His maternal uncle. Basava Sunder also lived in Rajouri. Lachman Dev learn art of riding, archery wrestling and Swordman ship at Rajouri. The Dadan Wali Bawali's entry is preserved in Khasra numbers : 281, 281/1 and 282.The hilly land pertaining to these Khasra numbers is now a days under the control of army.

One day during hunting expedition(now known as Hirni village) along with his brother Basava, he killed a female deer. Soon after the incident, he left hunting for ever and later straight way joined the company of Janki prasad sadhu of Rajouri and became his disciple. In 1686 Madhu Das (Lachman Das) went to Lahore where he met Sadhu Ram Das where he became his disciple. Madhu Das got a chanse to visit to different parts of India and while travelling, he met many Sadhus and Saints and accordingly served them with deep devotion. Mean while Madhu Das had became a sadhu under the service of Augad Nath.He went for Haridver and got a chance to meet Guru Gobind Singh there in 1695 CE.

Aurangzeb ruler had sent an invitation letter to Guru Gobind Singh, whose mention testifies in Zafarnama. Guru ji went for South to meet Aurangzeb emperor but during journey, Guru ji got news of Aurangzeb's death. Guru ji on the request of Bahadur Shah helped him in battle of Jajau by sending about 3000 Sikh fighters on 8 June 1707 CE and assisted the Prince in securing the thorne, Bahadur Shah, the new emperor invited Guruji at Agra in July 1707. Guruji was warmly received by Bahadur Shah and honoured Guruji with priceless gifts with due respect in a huge gathering. Guru ji on September 1708 CE, went to Nanded to meet Madhu Das. Madhu Das surrendered before Guruji and desired to become disciple of Guru ji. Guru ji offered "Khande-de-Pahul to Madhu Das and named him Banda Singh Bahadur. Later Guruji bestowed title of Chief commander of Sikhs and presented him personal weapons along with five commanders to move Punjab and take the vintage of Shahibzadas. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur moved to Punjab alongwith Sikh warriors and smashed Sirhind to the ground. According to the Persian source "Akhbar-e-Darbar-e Molla" in his army about 5000 Muslims were on the job, whom Banda Singh lovely called them "Namazi Singhs".

So to conclude on whole, it can be said that Dadan Wali Bawall, near Dhasel Hill at Rajouri is considered as the actual place of birth of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, which is also preserved in the revenue records and historically correct by the renowned historians.

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