Monday, March 10, 2025


Sikh bizman Sandeep Chahal named to Contra Costa Transportation Authority

PUNJAB NEWS EXPRESS | February 16, 2022 08:57 AM

JALANDHAR: Prominent Sikh Businessman in California Sandeep Singh Chahal has been named to a Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) for a four-year term through February 8, 2026.

Chahal is the first Sikh in the history who was appointed in The Contra Costa County Transport Authority(CCTA) which maintains a standing Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to provide citizen perspective, participation and involvement in the CCTA’s $ 3 Billion voter approved Transportation Expenditure Plan and Growth Management Programme CAC is comprised of 23 members:20 are appointed by each of the 20 local jurisdiction within Contra Costa County.

Appointment of Sandeep Singh Chahal was recommended by the City of Brentwood’s to Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s Citizens Advisory Committee for a four-year term expiring, February 8, 2026.

Earlier California State Assembly Chahal was awarded on behalf of the California Assembly as a 'Community Hero'. The award was presented to him on behalf of the California Assembly by Assembly member Kansan Chu for his volunteer services during the Covid-19 pandemic during the award ceremony which was hosted at the San Jose City College Milpitas Extension. At that time Speaking on the occasion Chahal said the award was for all members of his team who worked day and night along with their family members to serve the community during the Covid-19 pandemic. He said that we should not only get this award but to follow the teachings of great Gurus.

In 2016 Sandeep Singh Chahal win the Award “Rising Star of the Year at Los Angeles during a Conference of Business Persons.Several Sikh and Social organizations while expressing their happiness on the appointment of Sandeep Singh Chahal on Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) said they are proud of the achievements of Social, Religious and Sports fields in California.

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