PHAGWARA: In a heartbreaking incident, two young men lost their lives, and one sustained serious injuries in a road accident while returning from a birthday party. The accident occurred on the Ludhiana-Jalandhar highway late last night.
The deceased have been identified as Pankaj, a resident of Mahisampur village in Phillaur, and Deepak Bagga, a taxi driver from Jalandhar. According to preliminary reports, the victims were driving from Ludhiana to Jalandhar when their car lost control, crossed the road divider, and collided with an oncoming vehicle.
The impact of the collision was severe, leading to the immediate deaths of Pankaj and Deepak, while the third occupant of the car sustained critical injuries and was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment.
Eyewitnesses reported that the car was traveling at high speed, which may have contributed to the accident. Local authorities and police are investigating the incident further to determine the exact cause of the crash.
This tragic event serves as a grim reminder of the importance of adhering to road safety measures and driving responsibly. The families of the deceased are left shattered by this devastating loss, and the injured victim is fighting for recovery.