AMRITSAR: Shiromani Panth Akali Budha Dal chief Jathedar Baba Balbir Singh Akali 96 Crori has took a strong notice of desecration of Sanchies of Guru Granth Sahib in Ranjit Avenue area and has expressed deep grief over it.
He said why Gurbani are being tampered with Gurbani Gutke or Guru Granth Sahib only when other religions also have religious texts.
Baba Balbir Singh said that it is a matter of great sadness that some people knowingly do such low-level actions which cause serious injury on the religious level in the minds of the people of the concerned sect. Due to which tension is created among the brothers and sisters living in peace.
He told the administration in an angry tone that appropriate action should be taken by finding the culprit immediately.