Sunday, March 30, 2025

Campus Buzz

Vice-Chancellor Dr. Karamjeet Singh inaugurated workshop on skill based training of Youth on Vermicomposting, Apiculture and Fish Farming

AMRIK SINGH | March 27, 2025 05:15 PM

AMRITSAR: Dr. Karamjeet Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev University inaugurated the five days workshop on skill based training of Youth on Vermicomposting, Apiculture and Fish Farming held at Guru Granth Sahib Bhawan of the University. This workshop is being organized by the Department of Zoology under Environment Education Program of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, GOI and implemented by Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, State Nodal Agency .

In his presidential address Vice Chancellor Dr. Karamjeet Singh highlighted the importance of enterpreneurship skills for youth and motivated the students for active participation in such activities. Dr. Pooja Chadha, Head of the Department welcomed the guests and introduced the theme of the workshop to participants.

In the first technical session, Dr. P.K. Chhuneja, former Dean (PGS) and Head, Department of Entomology, PAU, Ludhiana enlightened the students about apipreneurship and value addition of bee hive products.

In the second technical session, Dr. Vaneet Inder Kaur, Principal Scientist, Fishries, GADVASU, Ludhiana talked about aquapreneurship and development of new technologies in the field of aquaculture.

In the third technical session Dr. Siddhnath Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Fish Processing Technology, GADVASU, Ludhiana, focussed on post harvest technology related to processing and value addition of fish for commercial purpose.

Around 200 students from various departments of the University are participating in the event. Dr. Vasudha Sambyal, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences and faculty members from various departments of Guru Nanak Dev University, graced the occasion. In the coming days of the workshop the students will be provided hands on training on Apiculture and Vermicomposting. They will also be visiting fish farm, Apiary, vermifarm to get a first hand experience related to these practices.

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